Updated: 16-10-2012 10:28 | Artists

Katerna ANGHELAKI- ROΟKE was born in Athens, in 1939.
Studied foreign languages and literature at the Universities of Nice (France), Diplome du Français pour l' Étranger, Centre Méditerranéen, and Athens (Greece).
In 1962 graduated from the University of Geneva. Diplome de Traducteur Interprete, Geneve, Suisse.
She works as Literary translator
English, French, Russian, some French and German
First Prize for Poetry of the City of Geneva, 1962
Greek National Prize for Poetry, 1985
"Kostas Ouranis", Athens Academy Poetry Prize, 2000
Wolves and Clouds (1963), Publisher Zarvanos
Poems 63-69 (1971), Publisher Ermeias
Magdalene the Vast Mammal (1974), Publisher Ermes
The Scattered Papers of Penelope (1977), Publisher Tram (Thessaloniki)
The Triumph of Constant Loss (1978), Publisher Kedros
Counter Love (1982), Publisher Kedros
The Suitors (1984), Publisher Kedros
When the Body (1988), Publisher Ypsilon
Wind the Epilogue (1990), Publisher Kedros
Empty Nature (1993), Publisher Kedros
A Fair Desert is the Flesh (1995), Publisher Kastaniotis
Lypiou (drawings: G. Stefanakis) (1995), Publisher Cheirokinito
Matter Alone (2001), Publisher Kastaniotis
Poems 1963-1996 (3 vols), Publisher Kastaniotis
The Body is the Victory and the Defeat of Dreams, (bilingual Greek and English) (1975), San Francisco, Publisher Wire Press
Beings and Things on Their Own (English) (1986), Brockport, NY, Publisher BOA Editions
A Spring Offering for Yiannousa (1991), Tel Aviv, (A portfolio of 12 etchings and 12 poems in 3 languages: English by Jackie Willcox, Hebrew by T. Carmi. Etchings by Tamara Rikman. Thirty numbered portfolios). Lushy Editions.
From Purple into Night, Poems (English) (1997), Nottingham, Shoestring Press.
A fair Desert is the Flesh, La Chair, Beau desert, (French) (2001), Bilingual Edition, Editions Desmos
TRANSLATIONS (Has published several books of translations into Greek, notably):
Dylan Thomas: Under Milk Wood
Samuel Beckett: Proust
Andrei Voznesensky: Selected Poems (from Russian)
Edward Albee: A Delicate Balance, commissioned and performed by the National
Theatre of Greece in 1979 (revived, with some changes, 1994-95).
A volume of 20 Contemporary American Poets: Translation, Selection and Introduction (Athens, Ypsilon, 1983).
Nikos Kazantzakis: The Suffering God, Introduction and translation (with Philip Ramp) into English of letters from Kazantzakis (New Rochelle, NY, Caratzas, 1979).
Peter Bien: Nikos Kazantzakis (1983).
J.M. Drot: Feline, a novel, from French (1984).
Irving Layton: Where Burning Sappho Loved, 50 poems (1985).
Irene Spanidou: God's Snake (1987). V. Mayakovsky: How are Verses made? From Russian (1988).
Shakespeare: The Taming of the Shrew, commissioned and performed by Amphitheatre of Spyros Evangelatos, Athens (Winter 1988-89).
Jacques Lacarriere: L' enfance d' Icare, Poemes (1997).
Seamus Heaney, Poetry, Selection Introduction. (Ed. Kastaniotis, 1997).
A Hero of our Times, M. Lermontov (Ed. Kastaniotis, 1998).
Eugene. Onegin, A. Pushkin (Ed. Kastaniotis, 2000).
PUBLICATIONS IN PERIODICAL AND ANTHOLOGIES (Has been translated into more than ten languages)
Has published in many periodicals in the U.S., Japan, India and many European countries. Is included in several international anthologies, such as:
The Other Voice (Norton, 1976).
The Penguin Book of Women Poets (Allen Lane/Penguin, 1978).
News of the Universe (ed. Robert Bly, Sierra Club Books, 1980).
Antologia del Primer Festival Internacional de Morelia 1981 (Michoacan, 1982).
Contemporary Greek Poetry, translation from the Greek by Kimon Friar (Greek Ministry of Culture, 1985).
Translation: The Journal of Literary Translation, Volume XIV, Spring 1985, Columbia University, "Greek Issue".
Matts Rying, Grekiska Samtal (Bromma, Sweden, Fripress, 1985).
Poesia griega moderna (Mexico City, Universidad Autόnomo Metropolitano, 1986).
Spiegel van de Griekse Poezie van oudheid tot heden (Amsterdam, Meulenhoff, 1988).
Longman Anthology of World Literature by Women 1875-1975 (Longman, 1989).
The Poetry Book Society Anthology 3, Hutchinson, Modern Poetry in Translation (Winter, 1994-95).
Stand Magazine (Autumn 1992).
Antologia: Poetas Griegas Contemporaneas (Chile), Nina Angelides-Spineri.
Transilvania Revista de Cultura 1-2/1995 (Rumania).
Grind the Big Tooth, a collection of Modern Greek Poetry, Pittsburgh, 1998.
10 Greek poets into Finnish (A bilingual Edition. Ed. Kaktos 1996).
Modern Greek Poetry 1945-2000 (Anthologie de la Poesie Grecque Contemporaine) Gallimard Editions, Paris 2000.
Poesie Grecque Contemporaine Edition AUTRES TEMPS, 2000.
Litterary Deview "Friches, Cahiers de Poesie Verte" The issue winter 2002 dedicated to KAR
1) Anthology of Modern Greek Poetry, Ed. Romiosini, KOLN, 1999.
2) Anthology of Modern Greek Poetry, Ed. INSEL, 2001.
3) Anthology of Modern Greek Poetry, Ed. KONIGSHAUSTEN AND NEUMANN, 2001.
Foreign languages: English, French, Russian, some French and German.
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