Updated: 18-10-2012 19:37 | Artists

Triantafyllos BATARGIAS was born in Athens. He studied classical guitar at the Hellenic Conservatory and graduated with honors and distinction.
He continued his studies with Jacob Kolanian and obtained diplomas in Harmony of Music, Counterpoint and Fugue with Costas Clavvas and Michael Travlos.
In 2006 he graduated with honours from the department of Humanitarian Studies of the Hellenic Open University, where he majored in Hellenic Civilisation and went on to acquire a Postgraduate Master’s Degree in the ‘History of Philosophy’ from the department of ‘Philosophy, Education and Psychology’’ of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens.
He is currently a PhD student at the same department.
He has given concerts in cultural and university halls, such as the Central Hall of the University of Athens, the University of Thessalia and the University of Salonica. He has also played at the festival of the ‘Philippos Nakas’ conservatory, the Aetopouleion Cultural Centre, the ‘’Parnassos’ hall etc.
Through the years, he has collaborated with various artists and since 2011 he plays in a duet with the violonist Nelly Economidou.
He works in public education and has served at the Greek Institute of Education where he was involved in educational research and information technology projects.
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