Updated: 18-09-2012 10:19 | Artists

Selected Solo Exhibitions
2013 Natural Beauty—Platinum/Palladium, Verve Fine Arts, Santa Fe, New Mexico (also 2005, 2007, 2010)
2012 Imagining Then: A Family Story, 1941–47, Center for Photographic Art, Carmel
2011 Floating World, Iris Gallery, Boston, Massachusetts (also 2008)
2010 Floating World, Galerie BMG, Woodstock, New York (also 2007)
2010 Floating World, Modernbook Gallery, Palo Alto, California (also 2001, 2002, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2008)
2009 Colors of the Imagination: Painted Flowers, Wave Gallery, Brescia, Italy
2009 Imagining Then: A Family Story, 1941–47, Gallery 291, San Francisco, California
2005 Iris Gallery, Boston & Great Barrington, Massachusetts (also 2008)
2007 Anne Reed Gallery, Ketchum, Idaho
2006 Watermark Gallery, Houston, Texas
2004 Albuquerque Museum, Albuquerque, New Mexico
2002 North American–Chilean Cultural Institute, Valparaiso, Chile
2002 Stories about Riga, Latvian Museum of Fine Art, Riga, Latvia
2001 Barry Singer Gallery, Petaluma, California
1994–00 Granary Gallery, annual summer show, Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts
1997 Peter Fetterman Photographic Works of Art, Santa Monica, California
1997 Photographer’s Gallery, Palo Alto, California
Selected Publications & Awards
2011 •Floating World, Hudson Hills Press, forthcoming fall 2012
2011 AfterCapture, review of Floating World, Barbara Smith, March 1, 2011
2010 The View Project, edited by Joyce Tenneson, Blurb Books, pp. 56-57
2010 Why Photographs Work, edited by George Barr, Rockynook Press, pp. 26-29
2010 Lenswork, “Floating World,” Cover interview & portfolio, November 2010
2010 Julia Margaret Cameron Award, Two Honorable Mention Awards, Floating World
2010 Jacob Riis Award, Finalist, Imagining Then: A Family Story, 1941–47
2010 The Woodstock Times, “Ageless Lyricism,” review, July 8, 2010
2010 Black and White Magazine, UK, article and photo (and 2012)
2010 Color Magazine, “Imagining Then: A Family Story, 1941–47,” interview and photo spread, issue #8, April/May
2009 Fotoritim, interview and photo spread, Istanbul, fotoritim.com, November 2009
2009 Black and White Magazine, UK, article and photo, issue #102, September 2009
2009 Zoom Magazine, interview and photo spread, May–June 2009
2009 Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, featured in Arts & Culture Weekend section, February 1, 2009
2009 Lenswork, “Imagining Then: A Family Story, 1941–47,” interview & portfolio, January 2009
2008 Photographic Possibilities, Robert Hirsch, pp. 6, 153, December 2008
2008 Imagining Then, Limited Edition portfolio of 10 matted images & letterpress text, November 2008
2007 Silvershotz, cover story and photo spread, vol. 4, edition 1, pp. 6–18, April 2007
2006 •Bella Figura: Painted Photographs by Brigitte Carnochan, Modernbook Editions, 127 pp, July 2006
2006 •The Shining Path, Ltd. Edition monograph of 11 images, text, 21st Publications, May 2006
2006 View Camera, interview and photo spread, November–December 2006
2006 The New York Sun, “Ancient Materials, Transcendent Beauty,” review, June 1, 2006
2006 Camera Arts, cover story, May–June 2006
2005 Rangefinder Magazine, interview and photo spread, October 2005
2004 Flesh and the Spirit, 21st: Journal of Contemporary Photography, essay and four images
2004 Polaroid International Photography PN 27, photo spread
2004 Myth and the Natural World: Painted Photographs, exhibition catalog, Modernbook Gallery
2004 Organic Forms: Hand–Painted Photographs, exhibition catalog, Albuquerque Museum
2004 Hasselblad Forum Magazine, essay and photo spread
2003 Hasselblad Master Award
2002 Studija: Visual Arts, Riga Latvia, September/October, essay and photo spread
2002 Camera Arts, December 2001–January 2002, essay and photo spread
2001 Black & White Magazine, June 2001, interview and photo spread
1997 Colors of the Imagination: Painted Flowers and Nudes, catalogue, 32 pp., intro. Wanda Corn
Gallery Representation
Peter Fetterman Gallery, Santa Monica, CA peterfetterman.com Modernbook Gallery, San Francisco, CA, modernbook.com Verve Fine Arts, Santa Fe, NM, vervefinearts.com
Iris Gallery, Boston, MA and Aspen, CO, irisgallery.net Galerie BMG, Woodstock, NY, galeriebmg.com
Kevin Longino, Fine Photographs, London and Greenwich, CT, kevinlongino.com
Teaching & Lectures
2012 Imagining Then: A Family Story, 1941-47, Photo Alliance, San Francisco, CA, July 14
2012 Imagining Then: A Family Story, 1941-47, Carmel Center for Photographic Art, May 12
2012 Imagining Then: A Family Story, 1941-47, De Anza College, April 26 2011 Guest Lecturer, San Francisco City College, April 11
2005–11 Creating a Photography Exhibition, Continuing Studies, Stanford University
2008–12 Self–Publishing Your Photographic Book, Continuing Studies, Stanford University
2007 A Company of Authors, book discussion, Stanford Humanities Center
2007 Personal Photographic Style, Continuing Studies, Stanford University
2004 Visiting Lecturer, Brooks Institute of Photography, Santa Barbara, California
2003 Illuminating the Nude, lecture & demonstration, PhotoPlus Expo, New York
2002–07, 10 The Photography Project, Continuing Studies, Stanford University
2000–05 Painted Photograph Workshop, Continuing Studies, Stanford University
1997–00 Infrared Figure Workshop, UC Santa Cruz workshop
Selected Group Exhibitions
2011 Oaxaca XV Exhibition, Centro Fotografico Alvarez Bravo, Oaxaca, Mexico
2009 I. Wolk Gallery, St. Helena, California (with Patrick LoCicero and Mirang Wonne)
2006 Noble Processes, in a Digital Age: New Works in Handcrafted, Rare Media, John Stevenson Gallery, NYC
2002 Beauty is Truth: Our Celebration of an Enduring Idea, John Stevenson Gallery, NYC
2002 Flora, Gallery Sink, Denver, CO
1999 Brigitte Carnochan & Alison Shaw, Sandra Berler Fine Photographs, Washington, DC
1998 The Female Gaze: Women Looking at Men, Institute of Contemporary Art, San Jose, CA
1997 A Room with Three Views, 1870 Gallery, Belmont, CA
1996 Creating our Future, Mills College, Prieto Gallery, CA
1996 Unbound and Exposed, WCA, Works Gallery, San Jose, CA
1996 A Community of Artists, Center for Photographic Art, Carmel, CA
San Jose State University, BA, English; Stanford University, MA, Education; UC Berkeley, PhD, English
Related Activities
Advisory Council Member, Santa Fe Center for Photography, New Mexico Member, Lucile Salter Packard Children’s Hospital Art Committee, Palo Alto, California
Official Webpage: http://www.brigittecarnochan.com
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