Updated: 22-08-2012 14:48 | Artists

NIKOS KASSERIS was born in Rhodes, Greece.
He graduated from the University of Economics of Piraeus.
Since 1980, using Rhodes as his base, he has been active in various fields of applied photography as well as in the publication of books on fine-art photography.
In 1958 he established the Photographic Workshop of the Municipality of Rhodes, where he was a lecturer for several years till 1990.
Nikos Kasseris’ photographic work has been widely shown in both individual and group exhibitions, and his “Multi-Vision” presentations have been shown in Rhodes, Athens and other major Greek and Europeans cities, as well as in two tours in the USA, in 1996, and 1997, at the invitation of various universities and the Greek Community.
To date, he has published ten high-quality books, and has participated in the publication of three more.
For his contribution to photography and fine-art publishing, Nikos Kasseris was honoured by the Academy of Athens in 1996.
• Rodos, 1992.
• The Dodecanese, A journey in Space and Time, 1995, ²2000.
• Thrace, Terra Incognita with Tassos Vrettos and Nikos Economopoulos, magnum, 1997.
• Rodos, Nymph of the Sun, 1997.
• The Coastline of Asia Minor from Pontus to the Mediterranean. Postcards 1880-1920 (Antonios S. Maillis Collection),1998.
• Callitea, Le Fonti (1927-1950), 2001.
• Ρόδος / Rhodes / Rodi, Τέσσερις φωτογράφοι συζητούν για μια πόλη / Four photographers discuss a city / Quattro fotografi discutono di una città, σε συνεργασία με τον Peter Marlow, magnum, Νίκο Oικονομόπουλο, magnum και το Ferdinando Scianna, magnum / with Peter Marlow, magnum, Nikos Economopoulos, magnum and Ferdinando Scianna, magnum, 2003.
• Dodecanese. The pearls of the the Mediterranean, 2005.
• Dodecanese. The pearls of the the Mediterranean, 2008.
• Rhodes. 2005, ²2012.
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