Updated: 02-10-2012 11:26 | Artists

Laetitia Laguzet is a French photographer, director and writer. She make pixilated videos with photographic pictures.
Born in 1979, near Paris, she studied History of art in Paris in 2000. In 2003, she met French painter Vincent Corpet, wrote a study on his religious painting. Later she wrote several texts on his works and made more than ten pixilated videos in his atelier, showed in Art Museum of Nice and Les Salaisons, art center in Romainville. In 2004, she met Icelandic painter Erro and wrote a study on artistic condition in his paintings.
In 2007, she lived in Mexico DF where she wrote a thesis: cards in history of art since Cubism, divination and Games. She wrote art critics for Rêvista revue and started to learn photography. Her first pictures are taken in the streets of Mexico.
Return in Paris in 2009, she founded AIM Collective, Pictures and Ideas Association, with Delphine Levy and Bertrand Noël. During Crisis Ex Nihilo, second exhibition of AIM Collective in October 2010, she showed Issei’s Sad Song, her first pixilated short film dealing with cannibal Issei Sagawa. The film was made with pictures taken in Parisian Streets with original tracks composed by Bertrand Noël and Leskimo.
In 2010, she started to stage ten models for a work on Women: Witches, Little Girls and Magus. The same year, she directed Blood, official video clip for Loki Starfish and Bile Noire, personal short film dedicated to her grand-mother with original music of The Fat, electronic band. In July 2010, she met Claude Como. She shot the painter for Claude Como’s Garden, pixilated video with original music of Loki Starfish.
Graduated with a Ph.D at Sorbonne University in March 2011, she directed Scars and Promises, in July, for Loki Starfish. She animated art conference for SEL in Sèvres where she showed Le Bonheur (Happiness) on an eponymous painting. In September 2011, sculptor Claris Garnier invited Laguzet in her atelier for a personal exhibition: Synesthesia. Pixilated videos are showed while Corpet, Como’s paintings were on the wall and musicians played live: Loki Starfish, Porno Stereo (Bertrand Noël band), Loran Qui and The Fat. Laguzet projected Versus Venus, first short film of Magus serie and brand new pixilated work, Music Box, extract from feature film, Rêves (Dreams).
2011 SYNESTHESIE - atelier Claris Garnier - Paris
2011 MOI JEUX - Conférence sur l’œuvre de Claude Como au SEL - Sèvres
2011 MALENTENDUS - Vincent Corpet - Les Salaisons - Romainville
2010 VINCENT CORPET En Ville, A la Plage - Mamac - Nice
2009 CRISIS EX NIHILO Collectif AIM - La Petite Rockette - Paris Laetitia Laguzet est photographe, vidéaste, écrivain et historienne de l'art.
En 2011, elle est docteur en histoire de l'art à la Sorbonne Paris.
Ses films sont confectionnés avec des photographies qu'elle crée chez elle ou dans la rue.
Elle collabore avec des musiciens, des sculpteurs, des peintres, des comédiens, des danseurs.
En 2008, elle fonde le collectif AIM, association d'images et de mots, avec Bertrand Noël et Delphine Levy. Leur collaboration donne lieu à deux expositions, notamment Crisis Ex-nihilo en septembre 2009.
En septembre 2011, Laetitia Laguzet investit l'atelier du sculpteur Claris Garnier, pour y projeter ses films sur le thème de la Synesthésie.
Cette première exposition aborde la question de l'analogie entre les médiums artistiques. Partant de compositions musicales, elle puise dans son registre personnel pour établir des analogies formelles entre la musique, la photographie et la vidéo. Les musiciens avec lesquels elle a collaboré, jouent en live sur les vidéos.
En outre, elle projette ses films d'artistes, les peintres Vincent Corpet et Claude Como dont elle expose plusieurs tableaux.
Pour le film VERSUS PERSEPHONE, elle collabore avec le sculpteur Claris Garnier.
Elle s'inspire du théâtre, du cinéma muet, du Surréalisme, de la mythologie et de la littérature.
Official website: http://www.laetitialaguzet.com
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