Updated: 10-01-2012 19:13 | Artists

Maria PAPACHARALAMBOUS was born in Nicosia, Cyprus, in 1964.
1982-87 Athens National Conservatory, Athens, Greece
1984-90 School of Fine Arts, Athens - (distinction)
1991-92 Faculdad de Bellas Artes, Universidad Complutence, Madrid - Painting and engraving, (Matricular de Honor),
1993 Scholarship Museo Internacional De Electrografia, MIDE, Universidad Castilla la Mancha, Cuenca, Spain
As a visual artist she realized personal exhibitions and was selected by the Ministry of Education and Culture and other cultural organizations in Cyprus and abroad to represent Cyprus and Greece in different European and international Salons / exhibitions, such as Biennials and Triennials, at the fields of painting, photography, engraving, video art, short documentary and animation films, sculpture, installation, architecture, visual poetry.
She realized urban interventions / actions, online projects, geopolitical art editions, international projects.
She also organize and /or participate in symposia, conferences, lectures around the world.
She collaborated with various theatrical groups and the National theatre as a stage and costume designer.
She realized more than 27 short films/ videos/ documentary / animations.
Co-founder of the ARTos Foundation in 2000, ResArt in 2006, microARTos in Madrid in 2008, the socio-artistic movement"Reflections" in 2011 and the "Be the Change" in 2012.
These are contemporary platforms devoted to arts, science / research and in the philosophy of well being and activism.
«At village Pyrgos in Cyprus, a small factory of producing perfumes which was in use for 4000 years. This is the first know perfume factory in the world. Archaeologists connect the worship of Aphrodite with the perfumes which she used in order to gets what she wanted».
With the occasion of this announcement and by connecting also other information and legends around Aphrodite: Goddess of longing, passion, beauty, joy, laughter, fertility... For this reason I have an approach based on alchemy... since the herbs mentioned exist until today.
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