Ενημέρωση: 05-10-2012 16:04 | Καλλιτέχνες

In 1982 Roma NAPOLI, along with the artist Dow Jones, founded the art group DIX10.
In the spirit of Dada and Fluxus, the duo stirred up the environment of contemporary art with unclassifiable works, both provocative and ironic, deeply embedded in their time. From 1982 to today, one hundred installations have been mounted throughout the world. [Galerie Lara Vincy in Paris, Grande Halle de la Villette, The Montparnasse Museum, Postal Museum in Paris, Metropolitan Museum of Tokyo, Fac-simile Galleria in Milan, Aufbau-Abbau Gallery in Berlin, Palazzo Clary in Venice, Steve Mendelson Gallery in Pittsburgh, Jus de Pomme Gallery in New York ...]
In 2000 Roma Napoli began a parallel solo production of works where the cybernetic, photography and video are vectors for critical intuitive creativity. The film made with Black Sifichi Twist-Over was selected by the festival “Les Yeux, la Nuit, les Lois de la Nature” in Nancy. [eyes, the night, the laws of nature].
The publication of her diptych "Mother and Father" in the book "Father and Mother" curated by Yves Haddad and published by La Martinière Editions in 2011 is a milestone marker in the suite of her development. Photographic 'tableaux' around a specific theme given by the artist. With an acidic-poetic application to situations and language, through the staging and photographing of G.I. Joes, the plastic cast model representing the muscular perfection destined for combat.
Works in Progress : the gestation of the film “Montreuil, London, Tours, Détournement, Deux Ados” [Montreuil, London, Tour, Deviations, Two Teenagers] is interpreted as a tribute to the series “France, tour, détour, deux enfants” by Jean-Luc Godard and Anne-Marie Miéville in 1978.
Επίσημος Ιστοχώρος: http://www.romanapoli.com/
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